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| - Confessions of a non-rebel: Fiona Mactaggart, the MP for Slough, has never voted against the government. Now her patience is wearing thin - Features - Column
| - Ask a practice advisor: What is the SRNA's position regarding the implementation of clinical practice standards within various practice settings (i.e., home care, acute care units, long-term care, etc.)?
| - Dangerous Comrades: a Misadventure in Gang Affiliation
| - What's new is old: budget issues top legislators' to-do lists
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| - Evolution of hospital-based pharmacy teaching programs from 1989 - 1998
| - Automated anomaly detection processor for biologic terrorism early detection —Hampton, Virginia
| - Like it? Yes. Need it? Yes. Buy it? Nah: in an exclusive HMT survey, physicians demonstrate that they whole-heartedly understand and support healthcare IT, but they're not yet queuing up to buy every last piece of software
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| - Effects of parenting, father absence, and affiliation with delinquent peers on delinquent behavior among African-American male adolescents
| - Gambling by Greek-Affiliated College Students: An Association Between Affiliation and Gambling
| - Changes over time in college student's family planning knowledge, preference, and behavior and implications for contraceptive education and prevention of sexually transmitted infections - 1
| - Juniper adds services affiliation for VARs: partners with services practices can have extra designation, but company warns its criteria are "very high"
| - FSPA reaches affiliation agreement
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