Why do MPs vote for things they do not really believe in? Many of us have just done so and I think it is important to explain why. I do not have a problem with the idea of voting against the government.
What is the SRNA's position regarding the implementation of clinical practice standards within various practice settings (i.e., home care, acute care units, long-term care, etc.)?
Dangerous Comrades is a compellingly honest story about the struggles of Dani Winters, a young twelve year old girl. After her move from Oregon to Washington state, she finds herself awkwardly shy and without friends.
Sen. Don Perata (D-Alameda) was elected president pro tempore of the Senate on a unanimous vote. He replaces the termed out John Burton. And Fabian Nunez (D-Los Angeles) was re-elected speaker of the Assembly. He first was elected in 2003.
Maybe it is because I turned 50 several years ago that I started asking more frequently, "Just what is important?" either with respect to the day's proposed activities or in a situation that can seem difficult with a student.
Back Exercises For Building A Strong Back - In the world of exercising, physical training and bodybuilding back exercises stand as one of the most important set of exercise to be carried out if anyone wants to consider themselves physically fit.
Demographics and Preventing Traumatic Brain Injuries - Scientists continually strive do uncover research related to if certain individuals are more susceptible to traumatic brain injury (TBI) compared to others.
This study evaluated hospital involvement in pharmacy education. Databases from four U.S. National Clinical Pharmacy Services Studies and the American Hospital Association permitted detailed trend analysis.
Introduction: Disease surveillance databases can range in size into the terabytes, making rapid, meaningful analysis and conclusions about the data impracticable and expensive.